God Chose the Weakest Link

Hidden treasures: the story of Gideon Judges 6 in creative description.In this great story of hidden treasures, God’s people disobeyed him and that put them in a difficult situation for many years. Over time they suffered great oppression and lack.  When they took one step forward it seemed like they took two steps back. The enemy constantly took their resources and the people had nothing – they were poor, destitute, and broken. Eventually they began to live in caves in order to survive and remain hidden from their enemies.  So if you can imagine they didn’t live in the best environment and they were probably depressed and thought God had totally forsaken them.

But God always gives second chances and he is a forgiving God. He delivered a message to his people and he reminded them of all the miracles he had done in past generations. God delivered them from oppressors several generations back so it was never his intention that his people be oppressed. It was their sin that separated them from God. God reminded them that he instructed them to be fearless and bold against the gods of their enemies. But fear set in – and they compromised. Fear can keep us from walking in purpose. If we surrender to fear we become immobilized underneath the weight of oppression – with no voice and no power.

The good news is that God knew us before he formed us in our mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). He has already downloaded everything we need to do his will. God is sovereign and his will is not confused or mixed up because of our mistakes. Gideon was out threshing wheat in secret because he was probably afraid the enemy would see him and come steal it. No man wants to live in constant hiding from his enemies, unable to live a normal life and walk about. I would imagine that Gideon didn’t feel too good about himself at the moment. Then here comes the angel of the Lord saying “God is with you mighty man of valor”.

Can’t you imagine Gideon looking around wondering who this person is talking to. When Gideon realizes that the angel is talking to him, he starts complaining about his situation.

“If God is with us why is there so much trouble around us…if God is with us why don’t we see the miracles we’ve heard about…if God is with us why is this happening in our community…if God is with us why is that happening in our government… if God … if God … if God…. “ THEN the angel of the Lord told Gideon something that blows my mind. He totally dismissed the complaining and said “Go in this strength that is yours. Save Israel from Midian. Haven’t I just sent you?” (verse 14). Do you see what just happened – God unlocked the hidden treasure!

God told Gideon that Gideon was the answer to the problem. He was created for that purpose – to solve that particular problem. All this time the answer was in hiding threshing wheat.

I guess Gideon must have thought God wasn’t aware of his limitations so Gideon told the Lord that he was poor and that he was the weakest link in his family. NEWSFLASH: God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. Gideon didn’t have anything, no money, no resources, no power, and little influence. But God took him and made him into a mighty warrior and he won the victory for his people.

The message I hope you walk away with is that our immediate circumstances, no matter how long they’ve existed, are not greater than God. He can empower the weakest link to perform the mightiest acts. In some of the poorest and most oppressed communities are brilliant hidden treasures. What we are missing are the messengers. The people who are willing to go and tell them that God has chosen them and given them something special that can make a positive difference. When the angel of the Lord spoke to Gideon he doubted what God said, he couldn’t believe that he could be great or do great things. Gideon thought he was limited to the mistakes of his generation, the poverty of his family, and the oppression of his enemy. You need to know today that your greatest, biggest, deadliest, strongest enemy has but the strength of ant when compared to the true and living God.

If you are that young person, like Gideon, believe that God has called you and don’t limit yourself to what you see  around you.

A caterpillar beginning pupation
A caterpillar beginning pupation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

And if you are that messenger, make an effort to speak encouraging words that will activate greatness on the inside of that young person hiding from destiny.

Monarch male showing its wings to attract a mate

5 thoughts on “God Chose the Weakest Link

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